
Sunday 15 May 2016

Carrot is the king of vegetables and Aktar is important for the body and health foods, and especially the eye and Hada was due to Htwaih a high proportion of important for the body such as vitamins and minerals Algdaiah elements, and exclusive entry in this topic provided by the "wonderful site."

6 offer health benefits of the islands, and include:

- Improve and strengthen the vision in humans.

- Anti cancer.

- Fighting cardiovascular disease and other diseases.

- Improving the health of the mouth and strengthen the chewing process.

- Protects the liver.

- Maintains the health of the skin.

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Controlled character confusion on youth in regards to Afattaah Do Abadlonhm same feelings that composing them and their admiration and through Hama topic submitted by the "wisdom of the site" and that offers some tips for young job to see if the girl was the same feelings for him.
And now we leave you with some tips provided by the splendor site:

 - Talk with her one day in a lot of topics and ask her for one of them the next day, the subject remembered its details, know they are interested and your Bhdazq.

 - Sent her text messages regularly for seven days and the eighth day, do not send them any message to the handmaid to behold, you mean they love you and pay attention to your messages.
 - Let her to drink a cup of coffee and watched when you pay the bill, the felt Ppalarbak or embarrassment when your payment bill behold, means that they are interested Bnfqatk do not wish to be a burden on you, but I've seen that does not feel some behold, suggesting that it is not interested.

 - To take them with you to shop and pretended to them you want to buy a certain piece of the love you were going to do the impossible in order to bring you a piece that I loved them as a gift.

 - That was a holiday to remember your birthday and remember important occasions for times as they are your interested in the details of your life and small.

 - Spoke in front of her and ask her to marry that they prefer to marry for love or a traditional arranged marriage, the marriage was a love with her and showed the desirability kind of marriage, know that they hint you to talk with her parents in her subject.

 - Watched her reaction when he brings her gifts was estimated that the gifts and rejoice in them and use them because she likes everything you do gets her and that did not use any of your gifts astronomy shows indifference about u.

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The coolest ways to get rid of acne Almdjaj this topic and method using tea bags
the black
There are many young people suffer from the debt of love and wish to obtain pure skin and clear to you now only solution Follow this topic stages and are effective ways
 Is filled with one-third cup of hot water, then add twice the amount cold water and then inside the black tea bags and left in the water for a few minutes
 Relax your head on the pillow and comfortable and Put the tea bags on Alojhec then rub well and private places of spots and acne
 Some dry tea bag on your face. Repeat the previous step again and Hecda several times until the desired result pray to this topic and repeat the steps on a daily basis to get the best results
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Fish Cow strangest constipation
There are many beautiful fish and brutal types and I are no fantastic fish theorist strange name toxicity to fish the cow and cause renamed cow Bmmizzatha Ed is available on the longhorn stand out from the front of her head resembling horns cow or Rihamaanha of prepared wild fish and fish living in the Indian region saluting coral reefs exist
And now we leave you with some pictures.
Tansu not join us your opinions in the comments

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Many people believe that a woman's beauty lies in her hair ... and this certainly explains why women resorted centuries ago and continues to her hair style and innovation of various models and shapes to highlight its beauty!
Perhaps hairstyles have evolved dramatically over the past centuries and decades to vary currently vary between modern and bold retro style inspired by the past. There are multiple models of hairstyles, the mismatch soft and Almales and other elevated and luxury that suits formal occasions.

And now we leave you with some wonderful layoffs this topic

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Way to get rid of excess hair Ally face !!
There are many innovative techniques for hair removal on the face and I was mostly skin and Tzer of Nmadj this topic techniques and laser hair removal or electrically sharp shaving tools
Now, say goodbye to this topic unhealthy and non-sound methods to thee wonderful Mask save you from excess hair

Mask chickpeas:

Typically, according to the cultural traditions and uses chickpea flour to treat skin problems in both India and Bakhnan boy Seek the help of my father Bahada catcher will help to get rid of excess hair and specifically the area around the mouth and nose
Way Mix equal amount of flour of chickpeas with turmeric and Dobhe water and when you get on a sticky paste and Mdia on your face for 30 Dqiqih to Tnzeiha then by towel Mbblh
And you will notice after Dalk decrease excess hair
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View pictures tallest woman in the world

  , Aged 17 years and more than 213 centimeters in length, and the girl suffered from severe Aztrapat to grow, making it the longest Hallelujah and its name Rmisa Jhilji DAT Turkish nationality.

And now we leave you with exclusive pictures:

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Pictures never saw the longest in the world!

Never a length of 19 inches enters numbers Gnets Records and Houkt from the state of California and belongs to a species hybrid African Savannah and at the age of 3 years.

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5 most beautiful sunset views from every corner of the world

Of the most romantic and beauty to watch the sunset in all parts of the world where the coolest and most beautiful sunset scenes around the world.

And now you, this topic charming beauty images:

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To abandon saluting thus puzzle was the Moroccans in 1959 living them in the realms of Meknes and the surrounding districts live on the rhythm of a new life after being eased military activities of American rules as long as Moroccans captivated because they benefit from the generosity of the soldiers and Atdoukon Thanks to them to come foods from overseas ml anything thus when loss residents of Meknes and Sidi Kacem and Blgosaira points and connecting these areas, respectively, without one knows the cause of this sudden epidemic and so dozens died after a long and harsh with the symptoms of chronic poisoning, which no one knows that it is poisoning. People talked and even educated them about the new disease named Burkab and doctors deficit and its time for diagnosing the cause of Achar what was it and B murderer even seems that some people took the initiative to wear coffins waiting for death to come idiopathic waved their palms to the sky and asked Motta merciful differs for the deaths of their relatives and neighbors who Tadboa greatly before death, and even those who were wounded and survived has continued to suffer from severe pain on the level of the head and the block is the inability to stand properly and not being able to walk at all to you now to imagine the position of the country just got independence and how to act in front so the Ministry of Health put felt that it was a new disease and they do not have means enough to be diagnosed even let alone confronted, they resorted to foreign services in this section and thus dissolved in Morocco, groups of doctors and Almt_khasachin to conduct medical tests and they concluded that it was a poisoned my lunch, but they did not know its source and ask them which weeks of preview of patients and reassured to cases of very few slain in comparison with cases of suffering with a disability, which was its turf widening day after day was interpreting it and diagnose the disease as poisoning Gdaiaa is and imminent, but he needs to be concrete evidence and reason, as defined by those specialists in the post to see that they were completely ignorant of the nature of the material that may lead to these symptoms, especially patients and that the collection did not register eating for anything suspicious, and their food was very ordinary.
British doctor discovers the mystery!

Within the Medical Mission, which visited Morocco to find out the real reason behind the epidemic rush out to spread there was a British physician tired of hoping Almadben in the ground, and as it was not on HIV spread in the air, we must eat these poor people had drank something or ACLU food is rotten Mflolh late began Hedda British doctor was walking around one day within a market that had a huge demand in the region and by chance stopped glass bottle of table oil, noted immediately that Cefrtha unusual never and so as not to waste time, the first thing he did was the acquisition of a bottle of oil table stopped their color, and soon discovered that most of the oils displayed when vendors were the same color and because CTN familiar with the secrets of laboratories it and put oil under a microscope and did not require him up a lot of time to discover that those oils contain something ...
After further analysis of this British doctor concluded that it comes to the containment of table oil, large quantities and unreasonable oil aircraft, and then determine the percentage of blended oil Table aircraft oil 75 percent and is what explains the serious repercussions which affected consumers of these oils and who was mostly of the urban population because the population of the countryside and remote areas of Kano rely primarily on natural oils and table oil is not a bomb exploded by the British doctor became necessitate intervention crucial to know the merits of blended cooking oil very large proportion of aircraft oil.
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